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Sounding Sculpture
Sounding Sculpture

Sounding Sculpture

Artist (American, born Italy, 1915 – 1978)
Datec. 1970–78
Period20th century
MediumBeryllium copper and brass
DimensionsObject Size: 45 1/2 x 10 x 10 inches
Credit LinePurchase with funds provided by the Friends of Art Acquisition Fund, the Christian A. Johnson Memorial Art Acquisition Fund, the Walter Cerf Art Fund, and gift (by exchange) of Carmen Walker ’11, Wilbur F. Weeks ’47, Prudence Montgomery, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCoy
Object number2005.049
Curatorial DepartmentModern & Contemporary Art
Copyright© Estate of Harry Bertoia/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
_Place of OriginUnited States
Photo: Don Ross, Vermont
Anonymous (Gabonese)
19th century
Object number: 2019.014
Photo: David Stansbury, Massachusetts
Michael Singer
Object number: 2004.048
Photo: Jonathan Blake, Vermont
Anni Albers
Object number: 2011.018
Space in Between – Nopal (Rosa E De Los Santos)
Margarita Cabrera
Object number: 2023.005
Photo: May Mantell Photography, Vermont
Mark Antokol'sky
Object number: 2007.117
Anonymous (Arabian Peninsula)
late 19th–early 20th century
Object number: 0.044.113
Anonymous (Arabian Peninsula)
late 19th–early 20th century
Object number: 0.044.114
Chickahominy Become “New Englishmen”
Johann Theodor de Bry
c. 1618–19
Object number: 1986.069
Anonymous (Roman)
c. 308–310 CE, Galerius
Object number: SC 2015.07
Square Coin?
Anonymous (Unknown)
Object number: SC 2008.18
Harry Callahan
Object number: 1978.023