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Mario Finocchiaro

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Artist / Maker / Culture
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Children in Water
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2016.311
Women and baby carriage in a park
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2016.312
Ragazzina Siciliana [Sicilian Girl]
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2016.313
Sogno sottomarino [Submarine Dream]
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2017.231
Al di là [Outside]
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2017.232
Fuori al balcone [Out to the Balcony]
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2017.233
Varicella [Chickenpox]
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2017.234
La pallina di vetro [The Glass Ball]
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2017.235
Families in Park
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2018.281
Father Carrying Son on His Back
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2018.282
Child in Pajamas under Hanging Laundry
Mario Finocchiaro
c. 1960
Object number: 2018.283
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