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Veduta dell'Arco di Benevento nel regno di Napoli [View of the Arch of Benevento in the Kingdom of Naples]
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
c. 1778, published 1800–07
Object number: 1993.013
Veduta del prospetto principale della colonna antonina [View of the Principal Elevation of the Column of Marcus Aurelius]
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
1774–79 / Regia Calcografia edition, Rome, after 1870
Object number: 0.127
Untitled from Rain Machine
Andy Warhol
c. 1969-70
Object number: 1997.023
Soup Can (Vegetable Made with Beef Stock)
Andy Warhol
Object number: 1976.151
Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite
Jean Pesne
Object number: 1977.099
Jean Pesne
Object number: 1977.072
Photo: Jonathan Blake, Vermont
George Rickey
Object number: 1977.002
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